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Friday, June 11


It is funny - how some of these take me up towards and hour to put together, just the right words and others (like today) the words are right on the tip of my tongue. Perhaps someone needs this particular bit of inspiration at the time of your reading. I know, only God knows that.

Thank you so much for your visits. You inspire me to keep creating.

I am praying for you today - that you will be abundantly blessed!



Dorothy said...

You always seem to post something that is very appropriate for me at the time! Just keep up the good work! You have been a blessing to me. I like that poem, too!

Debbie said...

Oh my goodness! How you managed to capture that single drop of rain bending that petal is amazing!

This one might be my favorite so far. Of course, there's always tomorrow... tomorrow is another day.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Each of these posts is an inspiration.Thanks for taking the time to do this. I love this picture too.

Karin said...

Through all the trials and adversities, the daisy reminds me that HE LOVES ME, HE LOVES ME, HE LOVES ME.... His love knows no end!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes---and my friend Valerie would say that she has had a little too much rain lately---at least in her basement! ha

We all need to keep the faith when we do have those 'bad' or 'rainy' days!!!!