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Sunday, September 19


After putting this one together, I came across a second quote that I think makes us to think even more so on the subject ...

Franklin said:
"As we must account for every idle word,
so must we account for ever idle silence."

And then I found this from Victor Hugo:
"A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought.
There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor."

Reminds me of my worship leading days and how I would get so frustrated with folks who did not have an outward expression of the musical portion of the worship service - but yet I knew some of those I loved most dearly ... walked very closely with God in an intimate and covert relationship - demonstrating their love and commitment in many other ways instead of exuberant singing.

So how 'bout another quote: "Judge not, lest ye be judged" (Matthew 7:1)


Karin said...

I've noticed that there's a word from The Word for everything in our lives.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

INteresting post, Valerie.... It makes one think--doesn't it??? We all do express ourselves in different ways... I get so enthusiastic about things and sometimes it's hard to understand people who don't.

I think what God wants us to do is to not to be IDLE ---with no thoughts in our minds. Our brains should keep thinking and working on living ---alll of the time, even when we are quiet and contemplative.....
