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Tuesday, September 7



A Bit of the Blarney said...

Sim;y wonderful!!! Absolutely exquisite!!! And I have all the things I will do today ready to go!!! Thank you!!!!! Cathy

Karin said...

Val, that would sure fit beautifully as a header on my blog - if I knew how to put it there, lol! The Scripture verse was given to us when we married over 44 yrs. ago and the other quote is definitely part of my life's philosophy! Thanks!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Gorgeous picture,but it is the verse that I depend on.I need that every day the same strength that Jesus gives.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Famous last words... When I was working fulltime and taking care of my kids, I had to live by LISTS in order to get things done... I actually did better then than I do now ---that I'm retired.. Time slips away from me much more these days it seems. BUT--maybe I'm also not moving as fast these days either.... ha

The good news is that I have never been a procrastinator --or a 'put off-er'.... Thank God for that!!

Great post.

Wanda said...

Oh this is absolutely gorgeous!