I find the quote comparing happiness to a flower interesting.
Flowers are lovely and beautiful and we wait for them, and cherish their short time with us because we know that a flower fades and dies.
Happiness does the same. We are happy when circumstances are right. When others are treating us kindly. When situations prove to our advantage. When nothing is wrong. Happiness can be a great feeling. But it too is short lived, fades and dies. It's seed will eventually bring forth another flower, and the cycle of happy, sad, happy sad repeats itself.
But Joy ... Joy is a different thing.
Joy comes from God.
It is deep, it is everlasting, it is there in good times and bad.
I recently have read many discussions on Happiness vs Joy - and so as this post came together this morning I was glad to see it evolve in this way.
Now . . . how to teach our children not to search for a happiness in life that is fleeting and can only come from other imperfect humans, but instead to seek the deep, satisfying, lasting joy that that comes from the Father and will carry us through eternity.
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Absolutely true! It brings to mind something I learned as a teen - JOY - Jesus, Others, You! If we have our focus right, with Christ having first place in our heart, then from out of that flows a servant heart for others. We've then looked after our own need first - by our focus on Him - for without Him we can't do anything! Sometimes that seems hard to wrap our head around!
Your comments about the difference between happiness and joy are an added treat to this.
I don't know the answer to your question. Seems like we as parents try so hard (too hard) to make our kids "happy". Maybe therein lies the problem with being able to teach the difference.
As always, I love your post. I really do enjoy them even on the days that I don't leave a comment.
So beautiful! Thank you for sharing. Happy Spiritual Sunday weekend.
Beautiful picture,but it is the words that have such deep meaning that refresh my heart and soul.
I love this one!!!
I just shared this scripture about an hour ago with a young man that is in rehab for a spinal cord injury! I hope he is encouraged by it. Lovely photo :)
Thank you for sharing this wonderful insight. It is so true.
So true and wise. Thank you for posting. Have a great weekend.
So True... It is entering into the joy of God that gives us the strength to persevere in the midst of difficulties. The joy of the Lord is the air we breathe, the beautiful flowers we see around us, the sunshine, the laughter, the rain, the hopes of better tomorrows and the gift of life are all joys of the Lord.
Beautiful post...
Joy & Blessings,
You put that in such a great way! Thank you! :0)
Beautiful Valerie.... I like the quote so much---but your words about JOY and HAPPINESS are fabulous....
Thanks for sharing!!!
Have a wonderful Sunday.
AMEN! Thank-you for this awesome post today.
what a beautiful picture and verse. .. thanks for this awesome!!
this post is awesome. It's so true that joy comes from HIm. I lived in darkness but when He touched me...He gave me incredible joy and no matter what happens...that joy...His joy always makes me hope things will get better.
Good Morning Sweetie...
Oh What beauty this morning you have shared. One thing comes to mind.
I have the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart, down in my heart to stay. Even as a child we were taught about the importance of Joy.
Thank you for the beautiful lesson this morning. I have enjoyed it immensely.
Country hugs and much love, Sherry
This is a beautiful picture and lovely post on joy vs happiness! So very true...
Nice post. So glad you shared the difference between happiness and joy. Many use them interchangeably. That's why so many search for things that are fleeting. God bless and thanks for sharing.
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