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Thursday, June 24


I find that this is becoming another re-occurring theme, I see running thru these 365 posts. I have too many faults to start listing them, but among the greatest are my overwhelming sense to always be right, to make sure everyone knows I am right, and to complain about those who think I am wrong. In many ways I am anything but gentle. I realize that it is quite the opposite attitude than the one I should have.

I guess I have some serious attitude adjusting to do, and I surely do know that it is only going to happen with God's help.


Karin said...

And just like me you probably are usually right - but perhaps both of us don't need to express that openly, lol! I find that if I don't know that I'm right, I usually don't say anything. I've found though that recognizing and openly acknowledging areas of weakness and sin, are crucial first steps in allowing God to commence/keep doing the work in me! He is faithful to do it!

Love your daily photos and quotes! Am going to link it at facebook today!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Amen.Can I join you on the changing train? I have so much to work on.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how I love this one, Valerie... My father-in -law and my hubby are both quiet and gentle spirits.. BUT--they are both SO smart... They don't talk alot--but when they do, everyone listens.