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Thursday, June 3


Can't believe I posted on the wrong site today. It has been a rough one -

A former student (I actually only taught her for part of a year) who is the same age as my Young One (they were in the same classes at the Middle School when she was able to be in school) went home to be with the Lord this morning. She fought for 6 years with Neuroblastoma - a devastating cancer with no cure. Please pray for her family and friends. it's going to be a tough road ahead for them.


Sweet Woodruff said...

I'm so sorry.

Karin said...

My sympathies in your loss! So sad! Love the photo - what flower is that?

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Beautiful post for such a sad event. Prayers are with you and her family.

Darryl and Ruth : )

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I already checked this on your other blog... I am so 'woozy' that I didn't realize the difference... ha

Sorry about the death of your former student. How very very sad.
