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Saturday, April 3


Sometimes I want to explain my thought process in putting these together. My thoughts often ramble all over. When I looked at this photo, my first thought was of how I love to feed the birds, but that even if I wasn't here to feed them, God would be there to take care of them.

I then started looking for a verse about God providing, how could I overlook - His provision of the Lamb for Abraham and Isaac. The full context is:

Genesis 22:8
Abraham answered, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering,
my son." And the two of them went on together.

What a moment of trust. I pray God never tests me in such a way.

As I moved on to the idea of trust, this quote about faith rang true to me. If I could only live in such a way - knowing God will provide no matter what the circumstances, in the way that He sees best.

Hope you are having a wonderful Easter weekend!


Dorothy said...

Now that is real trust! That has always amazed me. Oh, that I could have a small portion of that kind of faith!!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Thank-you for these meaningful posts.Each picture on its own is beautiful,but combined with the verses and thoughts they speak volumes.

S. Etole said...

I really enjoy your work ... in all ways.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That is a fabulous definition of FAITH, Valerie. I love it..... May steal it from you!!!! Thanks!
Have a Happy Easter.

caryjo said...

Oh, if only...

My constant hope is that trust in my dear Father will constantly increase. Knowing He will feed the birds and "dress" the flowers, there should be no question in my heart/mind EVER about whether He will meet my need. Thanks... and the photo is terrific.